Vote! 2020 Board of Directors and Budget

The Budget and Board of Directors vote is quickly approaching.

You should have received, or should receive very shortly, a mailing from TWC containing the Cluster’s proposed budget, candidates statements, ballots for Directors (every house), and ballots for the Budget (Resident owners). Please keep your eyes open for this mailing, make your ballot/budget selections, and mail it back to TWC.

Here’s what mailing will look like:

Because of the current COVID-19 situation, the Board of Directors election and Budget vote will be held via mail. The schedule is as follows:

  • Wednesday, September 30th – last date for TWC (our management company) to receive mail-in votes for the Budget and Directors. Please get your votes in before this date to ensure your vote counts!
  • Sunday, October 4th – Virtual Annual Budget/General Meeting on the Zoom platform, to announce results of budget and election.

Zoom Meeting Information 

  • Date/Time: Sunday, October 4th at 7:30pm
  • Link/Call-in Number: Available by reaching out to the board: bod (at) bwwca (dot) org