2022 Annual General Meeting Notice

Annual General Meeting – Sunday, April 24th 2022 @ 7:30pm
Playground area between Scandia and Farsta (By 1508 Farsta and 1531 Scandia)


  1. Call to Order – Verification of a Quorum
  2. Election of Members of Board of Directors
  3. Cluster Update
  4. Adjournment

Dear BWWCA residents,

The BWWCA Annual General Meeting will be held outside at the playground area between Scandia and Farsta (By 1508 Farsta and 1531 Scandia). In the event of rain, it will be held indoors at 1544 Scandia.

Three Board Members’ terms have expired, and as such, there are three Board seats up for election. To date, 5 candidates have announced they will be running for election to the open positions: Keith Longdon (Park Glen), Shannon Patty-Stoddard (Farsta), Joan Denchfield (Farsta), Dilant Patel (Scandia), and Brian Atkinson (Scandia). Nominations can also be made from the floor during the meeting. Candidate bios can be found here.

A resident representative from at least twenty-two households must be physically present to constitute a quorum. If you cannot be present but would like to vote, please complete the proxy form you received via mail and give it to the ‘individual named as proxy’ to present it to the Secretary at the meeting. Please note that proxies do not count towards a quorum.


The Board of Directors, BWWCA