Snow Update

IMG_20160125_122125Last weekend was one of the biggest single-event blizzards our neighborhood has ever seen.  Snow totals topped nearly 30 inches — with snow drifts at least twice that height.  This post is to update everyone on what we know about our neighborhood services.


Mail – The Reston Post Office remains inaccessible.  Apparently there was a problem with the USPS snow removal contractor not showing up leaving their fleet of delivery trucks stuck in their tracks.  Bottom line – no mail until they can get dug out.  [Reston Now]

Update (Jan 27, 2:06pm): The Reston Post Office is now open!!  Mail delivery expected today. [Reston Now]

Trash – As most of you know, trash was not picked up last Monday.  Our trash contractor, Republic Services, was unable to mobilize their trucks.  Also, in several parts of our cluster, snow piles made it difficult to navigate.  The latest information is that Republic was back in service today, but we are still trying to contact them concerning our neighborhood.  I expect an update on Wednesday (Jan 27) morning and will post here. [Republic Services]

Update (Jan 27, 3:51pm):  No trash pickup on Thursday (Jan 28).  We expect service to resume on Monday (Feb 1), but please check back here to confirm.  We apologize for the inconvenience.

Update (Jan 28, 3:41pm): I guess there was trash pickup on Thursday!  Republic Services had told us that there wasn’t (hence the fliers) but apparently they changed their minds but didn’t inform us.  The good news is — trash and recycling services will certainly resume Monday (Feb 1).

Snow – Our snow contractor, Perfect Landscapes, has done a wonderful job of clearing the roads within the cluster in a timely and professional manner.  This was the first attempt to implement a formal snow parking emergency plan, and it achieved its goal of making sure everyone had an opportunity to get their cars out.  Several of our neighbors were kind enough to relinquish their parking spots for this storm to facilitate the plowing.  Also, we authorized Perfect Landscapes to come in with a bobcat yesterday and clear out some of the larger piles in a few key areas of the cluster.  Thank you everyone for their patience.  It was such a great site for me to walk around the cluster and see many of our neighbors helping each other out. Please contact me (Dave Berger) or JoAnne Henck if you have any questions or concerns about snow removal.

School – FCPS schools are closed for the entire week. Private school and college students should check with their individual institutions.

Update (Jan 28, 6:11pm): FCPS schools will reopen this weekend for scheduled activities and for school on Monday (Feb 1).  Please make an effort to clear sidewalks as well as possible.

Metro/Connector – All metro train lines, including Silver, are operational.  Metro bus is running “moderate” winter service plan.  Fairfax County Connector buses may have limited service.

Update (Jan 27, 6:10pm):  Fairfax County Connector will resume regular  service on Thursday (Jan 28).

I will continue to update this post as more information becomes available.  Stay safe and be careful out on the roads.