Yard Waste Pickup Service Update

Two quick reminders regarding the Cluster Yard Waste Pickup:

  1. Yard Waste Pickup has resumed on Wednesdays (March 1 – December 24)
  2. Plastic Bags are no longer permitted, per Fairfax County – yard waste must be placed in reusable containers or paper yard waste bags

Via Republic Services:

Due to Fairfax County’s regulatory change regarding yard waste in plastic bags, effective April 1, 2021, Republic Services will no longer service any yard waste contained in a plastic bag. There will be no exceptions to this policy. Effective April 19, 2021 (see: Solid Waste Advisory 21 – 001 Eliminating Plastic Bags from Yard Waste Collection), yard waste in plastic bags delivered to Fairfax County’s transfer station or landfill will be subject to a $100/ton penalty.

Questions regarding this change can be made to Fairfax County’s Solid Waste Management Program at 703-324-5230 or their website https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/publicworks/recycling-trash/county-collection-customers/yard-waste.